I’ve got work to do. I’m trying to assemble a cool mix disc and I’ve got very little time in which to do it. But I want to share four quick pics. the first is one I take on Sunday:
Pretty much sums it up, no? I get a fix-it ticket for not having a license plate on the front of my car. No big deal. But I will add that I am stopped by the hardest working cop in Hollywood. In between gettng my ticket and arriving at work (which is just down the street,) I see him pull over two more cars.
Recently I notice city workers scraping the thick, layered detritus of countless flyers off the power boxes and light poles around Amoeba and then paint everything gray. A beautification project of sorts. Tonight I am pleased to see that the first person to violate that effort is none other than Buffmonster himself.
This is a snapshot I take just a couple hours ago after work. We’re headed for our cars. The air is cool for the first time in over a week of sweltering temps. On the left is Sara. On the right is Kirk. Sara is a friend and coworker. Kirk is our supervisor on the Mezz (and soon-to-be-published children’s book author.)
Finally, a shot of the music DVD’s on the Mezzanine. This (along with Classics) is my domain. Trying to keep this stuff organized and stocked is a royal pain in the ass.