check it out

the faces of meth

I’ve been meaning to post this for a while. Oregon deputy Bret King has begun a project he calls the Faces Of Meth. He’s juxtaposed before and after photos of some of the more intense meth-addict cases to come through the Multnomah County Detention Center. Take a look at them here. When the horror subsides […]


Bind. Torture. Kill. BTK. This guy’s been dormant for so long that most people had forgotten about him. But thirty years after claiming his first victim, Dennis Rader is behind bars. Turns out he’s a family man. He’d always been organized, meticulous and patient. But most of all he was, as the cliche goes, just […]

intelligent design?

There’s a terrific editorial in today’s New York Times that addresses the recent acceptance by a Pennsylvania school of an alternative to Darwinism. This approach, dubbed Intelligent Design, figures that human beings are far too complex to have simply evolved by chance. They must have been “designed” by someone or something (they’re careful not to […]

we hate it when…

…our friends become successful. (Part 2.) Right on the heels of Mark Lawson’s stint as a battered boxer on Cold Case, another Mark friend of mine (Mark Smith) has got a book in stores. Comic stores, that is. The Amazing Joy Buzzards, an oddball tale of a rock band that fights supervillains, is now on […]

the great kat

What do you do if you’ve attended Julliard, studied the classics and driven yourself to the heights of guitar virtuosity? You become The Great Kat, of course. Her blood photos are pretty outrageous. Yesterday was Valentine’s Day. I got a paper cut under my fingernail.

shapes and sounds

THIS is a glimpse of why I don’t believe that there is a God. Not “god” you see, but “God” as put forth by the limited intellect of the average human. We share a sort of vision because we evolved that way, not because it’s the Truth. Imagine understanding numbers as shapes, as sounds, as […]