daily drift

warning. system will shut down.

I haven’t posted in a while. That’s because the other day I download a virus and install it on my computer. The act isn’t quite as deliberate as that, but it might as well have been. It’s entirely my fault. I ignore all the safety signs, step around the blockades and head down that road […]


Recently, I have an epiphany. Raisins, I realize, are not my favorite food. Hot upon the heels of that one I have another: I have too many things. And I’m acting on that epiphany. I drag five garbage bags full of clothing out of my closet. I drop them at the donation site on Santa […]

Late Late Late

I’m posting Michael’s reviews a little later than usual, but that’s entirely my fault. In fact, I’ve been quite absent this week. Part of it’s due to the wedding. Not mine. I didn’t get married. Long time friend, Stephen Stukovsky got married in Lake Tahoe, which sucks because that means driving to a place where […]


Hmm… I’m checking my calendar. What’s today? Oh, of course. It’s Wednesday, the last day of August. What am I scheduled to blog about? I check my itinerary and…yes, of course. I want to blog about certain films by Stephen Sommers, and how, when you hear your neighbors watching them in the afternoon, it sounds […]

Death and Distraction

I want to post on a subject that the latest issue of Utne Reader explores a bit this month, which is the question of how we, as human beings, live our lives day to day with the full realization that we will one day die. I want to write about how I’m both terrifed and […]

Steel Mosquitos

We are haunted by helicopters. I’m beginning to think that they inhabit my dreams. Last night I’m drifting off to sleep at 1:30 when a particularly low-flying bird swoops in to the Martel and Sunset and scrapes the earth with its searchlight. This goes on for about twenty minutes. Today, trying to get some writing […]

Amoeba Clips

Sara: “Get your damn Merrill Osmond out of my imports section.” Eric: “It’s funny that they were looking for a spelling bee soundtrack and they didn’t think of spelling it out.” (after a customer asks why they can’t find the soundtrack for 25th Annual Putman County Spelling Bee at the beginning of the alphabet.) Dave: […]

Bien Educado

Last Thursday I make the trek up to San Francisco. Rather than go into detail about the whole venture, I’ll offer you the two extremes and let you fill in the rest. The first pic is taken during the trip up. Were this drive competing in the Olympics in the “Most Annoying Thing Ever” event, […]

4 images

I’ve got work to do. I’m trying to assemble a cool mix disc and I’ve got very little time in which to do it. But I want to share four quick pics. the first is one I take on Sunday: Pretty much sums it up, no? I get a fix-it ticket for not having a […]

Proceed Undaunted

I love it when I get props from a beautiful person. You’re a sweetheart, Stacey!

Sorry Sue

I’ve been more or less silent around here lately. Sorry about that. I think this cartoon, taken from the pages of New Yorker (March 21, 1994,) sums things up rather nicely: Too many projects. And too many projects necessarily means choosing just one or two to focus on. Either that or a picking up some […]


It’s Friday and it’s a day off and I’m tying up all kinds of loose ends around here. Mostly it’s a day of working from home. I’ve got scripts to read, a script to write, a few posts to compose for LAist (including the one I just submitted about the intersection of Gardner and Sunset […]


Last night I had a prophetic dream. In this dream I was cycling in the Tour de France. It was a hot day. And I learned that the race is not that anywhere as gruelng as the media would like us to believe. I was surprised at how easily I overtook Lance. Especially on the […]


I’m at the far end of a weekend that felt like seven days folded into three. I’m sitting, exhausted and bleary-eyed at my computer wondering how to sum it up. But once again, I think I’ll have to resort to an artist’s rendering, this one meticulously sketched on a small napkin. Perhaps later, once I […]

One score and seven years

It’s hard to believe, but it’s been a year since this post. That means another night at Benihana, another stack of presents, and that Sara’s another year older. Mark was with us last time. He’s not there this time, but he’s missed. Luckily, there’s some consolation in that his episode of Cold Case runs again […]