Special thanks to Caryn over at art.blogging.la, who posted about the Invader-theft yesterday, as well as the cool cats over at visualresistance.org (my new favorite blog) who totally “get” how depressing it is when someone rips off cool street art. Blogging.la posted a mini-blurb of the situation here, reacting to that Klaxon-call over at flickr. Sean Bonner suggests in an email that, “Unfortunately it seems whoever it taking them down isn’t just using the books, but any they can find as many brand new ones as well as privately owned ones have been removed.”
Thanks for spreading the word, guys.
Incidentally, I’m not associated with sixspace gallery despite the similarity of our domains. Eventually, this will all shift over to hollywoodland.la proper.
Also, the invader pictured above is the one from the curb in front of King’s Road Cafe. It’s pretty beat up on its own. Perhaps that won’t appeal to the black-clad invader ninjas and we’ll get to keep it for a little while.