Author Archives: will

Late Night Fury

“Ask me if my mother’s dead or alive! Ask me if my mother’s dead or alive! Ask me! Now ask me if I give a fuck whether I live or die! I don’t give a fuck if I live or die!! Go ahead! Call the police! I’ll kill every one of them! Don’t you fucking […]

32 years later…

I’d like to take a few seconds out of today and send a big, fuzzy birthday wish to this girl. If you’re in Berkeley or its environs and you see her, buy her a drink. her name is Dayle. That’s right, partner to Roy Rogers, spelled with five letters. Happy Birthday!


Haven’t been posting as often lately. People are tired of seeing the same post for three and four day stretches. There’s a reason for that. Three reasons, actually. The first has to do with that flowchart of the previous post. I’m racing at light speed through the new script. I’ll be wrapping it up this […]

How To Write An Action Scene

I’m working on the finale of BLOOD & GLASS. In fact, it’s the finale of the whole trilogy. The epic, final battle scene unfolds in a downtown Los Angeles high-rise. It’s gonna be huge, like DIE HARD in a … well, in a building. But wait,we have to break it down. What’s really going on? […]

Without A Parachute

Bookmark this link on your Blackberry. Okay, now if you’re ever swept out of an explosively decompressing airliner at 35,000 feet, you’ll have plenty of time to research how to survive the fall. … You know it occurs to me now that we’re always talking about “surviving the fall” when we talk about those times […]

Fun With Ebay

Speaking of eBay, which I sorta did a couple posts ago, I’m at work on Friday, checking my email in between attempts to tweak some actor headshots for use on the Argentum website, when I get a cluster of emails. “Congratulations,” they tell me, “you have successfully listed you item for bid on eBay!” Say […]

Cobalt Kitty

A few weeks ago I wrote about finding a name for my new web design venture. Cobalt Kitty, you might remember, is the name we came up with. So I then set about looking for an image or a logo, a mascot for the site. I searched the web looking for white cats. there are […]

Invader on Ebay

Holy cow. I have one of these. I wonder if I should sell it?


It’s late and I have a thirteen hour work day ahead of me. Keir’s next to me. He’s got a five hour drive ahead of him. He’s got to go back to Sacramento tonight because he has an 8:30 orientation to attend, where he’ll be getting himself…uh, oriented. For that reason, we’re both drinking water, […]

Blood on Santa Monica

I’m walking to work. This usually means I head down Martel to Fountain, cross to Fuller, drop down to Trader Joe’s on Santa Monica, where I get that fantastic pear and gorgonzola salad, a couple bananas (organic, yes) and maybe a protein bar. Then I swing back out to Santa Monica Boulevard and shoot East […]

Musiquiz: Elysian Fields

Jennifer Charles is the voice. Oren Bloedow is the music. Elysian fields is the band. “Bleed Your Cedar” is the album. Allmusic sez: The band’s sophomore album Bleed Your Cedar was produced by Steve Albini, but during this time the band’s creative throws began its downward spiral. The label criticized them for sounding too dark […]

Musicquiz Vol. 3: 1996

I can’t remember how I discovered today’s Mystery Band, but when I dropped their debut cd in my player, it was like a giant overstuffed pillow had smacked me from behind. It might have been a listening station at Morninglory music in Santa Barbara, but then I might have heard it at a coffee house. […]

The Return of Le Chic?

There are blogs, and rumors of blogs. Stirrings in the wind. The scent of perfume. Could it be? Is Le Chic Chick really back? God, let’s hope so.

Police Man

When I get in to work there’s a silver-haired guy standing in the far corner of the Mezzanine. Another guy trains a camera on him as he talks and gesticulates and looks really important. “Who’s the star?” I ask. “Some guy from The Police,” someone says. It’s Steward Copeland, I realize, and I spend the […]

Too Many Users

Nice to be back. For most of the day, the database servers at my hosting company have been slammed too much traffic. Not certain what caused it, but it wasn’t me. I swear. I’m typing this in a Vicod!n blur right now. I paid a visit to the dentist and the orthodontist on Monday. It’s […]