Author Archives: will

Michael Keefe Reviews: August

I’m a bad blogger lately. It’s already the 18th and I haven’t even mentioned what some of you may have noticed: the latest installment of music reviews by staunch Oregonian, hell-raiser and teller of outrageous tales, Michael Keefe, has been up in the review column to the right for a couple of weeks now. I […]

Invader redux

This just warms the heart. Invader’s back in town. And he’s replacing some of his stolen works.

Rejection #187

So I get a little item in the mail yesterday. It’s from the Austin Film Festival. Remember this? I sent them ELEMENT because I could really use the prize money and it’s the world’s greatest unproduced script. I won’t provide you with the entire text of the letter, just the part that counts: To summarize, […]

Musiquiz: Magnapop

Special bonus points to those who remember Magnapop. After taking almost nine years off, they’re back. Mouthfeel was their last album. It came out in early 2005. According to their website they toured, they had a good time and now they’re hard at work on a new album. Nice to have them back. Magnapop – […]

Musiquiz vol.2: 1996

Yay! It’s Musiquiz time again! Today for some reason I’m thinking about a band that’s last album was released about a year and a half ago. That’s not so interesting in itself, and it’s hardly a clue. But what’s strange is that their previous album came out in 1996, so it was their first album […]

SFX: Snowden

I just can’t get Snowden out of my head. On the way back from the Sierra I must have played track six (“Between The rent And Me” about twenty times. I would play it once, then play it again, them again. Then I’d fake out the world and play something else for about three minutes […]

Dahlia overload

Website traffic is through the roof all of a sudden. It’s the ol’ Black Dahlia again. Do an image search for “Black Dahlia” and you get this. The very first picture on the page is on my own site. Click on that and you’re pulled into my page about the delicate skin. I wrote the […]

Amoeba at 13,000 feet

Apparently, I can’t just leave my work at home. I have to take it with me on vacation. Amoeba representin’ at Lamarck Col in the Sierra Nevada:

Change of Plan

As usual, things don’t always turn out as you plan. I’m back from the Sierra Nevada a couple days early. The plan was to dive into the Sierra over Lamarck Col. Then head out of Darwin Canyon, up the vast granite bowl of the Evolution Basin, over Muir Pass, down LeConte Canyon, up to Dusy […]

Back Soon

I’m outta here folks. I had meant to prepare some nifty posts for while I was gone. But HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! Yeah right. If you have some magic time expanding machine, I’d like to borrow it. For the next seven days I’ll be here. See you when I get back.

Shopping Tip

While at Amoeba, try not to be too destructive while browsing. It makes things difficult for other shoppers. This is our smut section (yes, we have one of those.) We all stand around and stare for a few minutes, just to absorb the enormity of what had been done here. Luckily, Logan is able to […]

Musiquiz: Dig

Yeah, it’s “Believe” by Dig. Remember Dig? Not many people do. It’s unfortunate. Head honchio Scott Hackwith put together a band that often struck a fine balance between hard-edged rock and lyrical beauty. They were never well-received by critics, who wrote them off as sort of Jane’s Addiction redux, perhaps aping the pioneers of grunge-art […]


I’ve got some music I want to share with you. but I want to make it kind of interesting. I’m gonna give you an mp3. You tell me who it is. If you can. name that tune At exactly 10:00 PM I’ll post the answer. And another tune. This band opened for Garbage one night […]

L.A. Moments

I’m on La Brea. I’ve just crossed Hollywood Boulevard, approaching that intersection where Groove Fitness used to be (you know, that gym that supposedly had a live DJ spinning electro/house/trance while you worked out?) Ahead, coming from the other direction, is an ambulance. I dutifully pull over. There are a few other cars pulled over […]

Michael Keefe Reviews for July

Daredevil, man of letters and hero to harp seals everywhere, Michael Keefe, has checked in with yet another cluster of excellent music reviews. If you’re wondering about the new Thom Yorke album, wonder no longer. If you’re jonesing for a Libertines fix, Dirty Pretty Things is on shelves now. Click here to plan your next […]