daily drift

Liquified chimes in

Liquified sez: John has decided to put all of his energies into the show at the Mayan on Wednesday, and will not be appearing at Amoeba on Tuesday. That’s a nicer way to put it than, “John’s got a head full of phlegm and British Airways won’t let him on board.”

digweed denies

If moods could be described in terms of the animal kingdom, mine could be described typically as a marsh wren, or perhaps a tree squirrel who’s just discovered a forgotten cache of nuts. Sometimes, I’d liken it to a tufted titmouse. Today my mood is more like a rampaging bull elephant on whose back rides […]

american spirit

I’m on the corner of Cahuenga and Sunset headed for Groundwork for some coffee and a few minutes in a chair. Supervisor MELISSA has followed me. She’s on her way to get cigarettes and coffee. I like Melissa, so I say I’ll see her at the coffee counter. She joins me later as I’m getting […]

the dangers of blogging

When one starts a blog, one has to decide whether it is to be public or anonymous. I chose public, because I wanted to use it to keep people informed of my weekly happenings. Anonymous blogs allow the writer a great deal of freedom to rant and rave about personal issues in ways I can’t […]

it’s quiet around here

That’s because I’m sick. Regular program rusumes soon.


Have you ever had this happen? I’m walking out to my car through the courtyard of the apartment complex. I enter the narrow hall to the locked rear door. One of my neighbors, a girl I don’t know very well, approaches the same door from the other side–the side where you have to use a […]

three things:

i. I’m aware that Safari users are having difficulty with the collapsing menus on the right side of this blog. Clicking on the “links” heading gets you the whole shebang, throwing down a bunch of hypertext and thumbnails in a way that renders useless all of my careful page design. It’s a problem with the […]

walking in la

My car’s been through a lot. And for all its loyalty, I’m not the best caretaker it could have. I got it more than ten years ago, a Honda Accord. It already had 100,000 miles on it. Now the odometer reads 250,000. The clutch is slipping. It’s leaking oil and power steering fluid. If I […]

hopkin redux

In case anyone’s been wondering, boingboing has picked up on the Hopkin meme. They provide a link to this story, in which a curious journalist explores the source of the msyterious note. It turns out that the author of the note is a sixteen year old boy with autism who has, alas, forgotten all about […]


Nothing much new on this end. I’m focusing on putting together a slew of potential new projects for pitching purposes. I just wake up, sit at the computer, and try to come up with a new idea per day. So far I’ve got two of them. But since I’ve been at it three days, that […]