Nothing like too much booze to remind you why you’re not drinking it anymore.
It’s late, but I wanted to get something down before crashing. And I’m going to crash hard tonight. Last night was a complete blur. The final episode of Angel aired. I caught it at my friend’s house. I thought it was pretty good. I’d have a more interesting opinion of it if I could remember much of it. The truth is, I drank a little much. In fact, thanks to my newly wimp-ified alcohol tolerance, my body just couldn’t take the bombarment by boubon to which I subjected it. My friend had a final episode Angel kiss-off party. By about midnight I was pretty much the only person there who wasn’t doing coke. They all seemed to be moving faster and faster. I was having trouble figuring out why I couldn’t read the CD that I was holding upside down. It was time for me to toddle home. Ryan walked me, which was cool. And it wasn’t until I was inside, swaying over the porcelain god and wondering if I was going to have to pray to it that I began to consider just how much I’d had to drink. I mulled it over with amazement and denial. I couldn’t have had that much. Am I really that much of a lightweight?
I must have tried to watch a movie after that, because I awoke at nine in the morning on the couch with the TV on and the DVD screensaver dutifully blinking at me.
I had no headache. I was just bone tired and a little queasy. The porcelain god had answered my fervent prayer. I napped later in the day after running a pair of errands and was suitably refreshed in time to head over to work. It was a big night at Rocket. Dino de Laurentiis made an appearance and signed copies of his new book. Dino’s huge. Dino’s the king of producers. Just check out his list. Everyone from Fellini to King Kong. Rocket was packed. Mark and I were the regular cats. Sara and Ryan helped out. Sparkling wine flowed in abundance. I tried a taste of it, but it was awfully cheap. And I started getting a bourbon flashback, so I quickly set it on a chair.
I think it’s still there.
Here’s a look down Franklin to Highland, taken today. Spidermania looms.
Sara and I did have a good time yesterday checking out the museum yesterday. We didn’t have time to do the Diane Arbus thing, so we rescheduled for next week. I’ll go into greater detail later about the Space Invader exhibit. We each got a map, so the hunt will begin soon…