Items Tagged: wga

Putting the Strike Into Perspective

Interesting article over at Variety that turns the telescope of hindsight back on the past few months. As the strike wraps up (it’s not over yet, folks!) and we wander among the rubble there will be a lot of articles like this, asking whether it was worth it. Answer? Yes.

Jerry O’Connell: Scientologist

The floodgates have opened in the wake of the Tom Cruise Scientology video. Everyone with a camera has put together a parody. This is my favorite. Jerry O’Connell as Tom Cruise: Scientologist. I love the parable of the rabbit and the elephant. And it’s a WGA spot, too! Extra relevant for the Sixsquare-verse. the parody […]

WGA Strike in New Mexico

A week ago I joined several other WGA members, aspiring writers and even a few SAG members in Albuquerque to do a little picketing. I was surprised to find out that there was a WGA contingent out here big enough to pull something like this together. I met a couple of the organizers at a […]

Farval Falkenberg Trailer

Just a quick post today. I scraped myself out of a dream this morning at 6:30, lurched like Igor into the kitchen and made coffee and have set about tackling my daily 1500 words so I can head down to Albuquerque. I discovered a local knot of WGA-ers and they’re actually going to picket a […]

Speechless #20: Woody Allen

Director George Hickenlooper and writer Alan Sereboff have teamed up to create a series of mini-shorts designed to throw light onto the issue of writers. Using top – tier SAG artists and clever presentation of ideas, they’ve put together a whole series of these amazing pieces. They began “airing” on Thanksgiving an United Of […]

Soul Coughing – Ruby Vroom

Soul Coughing - Screenwriter’s Blues

WGA Gets Tough

The last time there was a full-fledged Writer’s Guild strike, I wasn’t in the Writer’s Guild. That was many many years ago. I remember hearing about the strike and then all of a sudden, Dark Shadows with Ben Cross was on TV. And while I’m in the Guild now, I haven’t actually been an active […]