I’m having problems with my blog structure. For some reason, I’ve got gaps on the upper and lower ends of my main text area. I’d noticed it was happening to the archive pages, but now the main page has the same problem I can’t quite figure out what the problem is. I know that I’m using some HTML that not everyone’s browsers can handle, but is anyone else having a problem? Does anyone else have graphics issues? If you’re using IE 5.0, you should be okay. If you’re using Netscape before 6.0, I’ve got no idea. If you’re using any browser before version 4.0, God help you. I’ve no idea how Safari handles this HTML, and I’ve got no way to test it. I have noticed that Netscape seems to be okay on the graphics front, but the scroll bar doesn’t have the cool, subtle coloration that IE does. It’s big and bulky. Ditto for IE versions 5.0 or earlier. That doesn’t bother me. But I really need it to look like a script page.
What’s the verdict? How does it look on your computer? Comment away!
I’ll be back later with a screenwriting update. I have to work my last Thursday at Rocket.
In the meantime, here’s a nice picture for you.

My brother Keir, Chasey Lain, Jono Singer and Janine, 1996