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Speechless #20: Woody Allen

Director George Hickenlooper and writer Alan Sereboff have teamed up to create a series of mini-shorts designed to throw light onto the issue of writers. Using top – tier SAG artists and clever presentation of ideas, they’ve put together a whole series of these amazing pieces. They began “airing” on Thanksgiving an United Hollywood.com. Of course, the word “airing” connotes television. These were made for the internet, and guess what? That’s the point. The dispute is about many things, but mostly it’s about the Internet. It’s not about what we’re going to watch on our computers in the next decade. It’s not about computers at all. Why? Because computers and television are blobbing together into one great quivering mass. This is the first time USDA Prime Choice actors have actually created something strictly for this new medium. That’s why it’ so intriguing. That’s why it kinda works.And since it’s autumn and autumn always makes me think of Mr. Königsberg, Woody Allen’s been on my brain lately (and not just mine; check out Billy Mernit’s excellent Woodman post here.) So here’s the Woody segment. I’ll post more in the next week or two. I love these things.

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